A Bookish Conversation with Self-Help Author Austiage & $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Austiage is a former national-level champion fencer who was born in Washington, DC. She speaks seven languages, attended American University, and is the founder of the Star Individuality Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports youths in developing their unique individuality. Her book The Mirror Said, “You’re Be-You-Tiful” explores the societal pressures that many people are faced with today and offers a game plan for nurturing individuality and owning one’s beauty.

You can visit Austiage’s website at https://www.austiage.com/.

About the Book:

In her motivational self-help book, THE MIRROR SAID, “YOU’RE BE-YOU-TIFUL, former elite athlete Austiage offers readers a foundation for embracing their unique beauty in a world that doesn’t always value diversity and individuality. Writing in a welcoming, conversational style, Austiage outlines a plan for embracing a positive self-image that develops from the inside out.
An unexpected question (“Does the mirror make you feel ugly?”) was the spark that led Austiage to pen THE MIRROR SAID, “YOU’RE BE-YOU-TIFUL.” She met the young girl, Julianne, who posed the question while donating supplies to a children’s hospital. After talking with the girl about beauty and what it means, the author felt moved to share her thoughts with others on this delicate subject, which many people—young and old, male and female—frequently struggle with. The book has a powerful message that begins by focusing on the individual.
Austiage asserts that beauty is much more than aesthetic. She emphasizes that character is an essential component of beauty and encourages readers to bolster their character by being positive and kind to themselves and others. The author repeatedly stresses the importance of having a strong belief in one’s self and explains how this belief affects how people see themselves, the type of people they invite into their lives, and the manner in which they take care of themselves and pursue their goals.
THE MIRROR SAID, “YOU’RE BE-YOU-TIFUL” takes an in-depth look at the necessity of self-care including eating well without foregoing pleasure, incorporating fitness and relaxation in one’s daily life, using makeup to highlight and enhance one’s beauty, discarding fear and doubt to follow opportunities to find one’s passion, and reevaluating relationships to make conscious decisions about the people in one’s life.
Austiage says, “In my point of view, my book is about helping those who are at the point in their lives that they want to feel better about themselves. I think my book will help people understand that they aren’t the only contributing factor in feeling good or bad about themselves. Rather, the everyday lifestyle choices they make, the people they surround themselves with, and the words they use all merge to develop a feeling unique to how they feel about their identity. Learning how to break down different aspects of daily life and to reevaluate them will dramatically change the way they perceive themselves.” Austiage wrote THE MIRROR SAID, “YOU’RE BE-YOU-TIFUL” “to help everyone understand that they have the ability to feel beautiful. Ultimately, I want readers to step away from my book feeling happiness, beauty, and pride from the inside out.”


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What’s inside the mind of a Self Help Motivational author?

I think that no one person is simply one thing or can be boxed into one genre, and although I cannot speak on other people in this category I can tell you what is in my mind. There is a sense of sharing, and a belief of not being selfish with one’s knowledge. Believing in tackling negative experiences and mistakes and finding a way to transfer that knowledge to people without them having to experience what you experience. I believe this experience is what makes you want to go into this category of self-help and motivation it was for me at least!  

What is so great about being an author?

Knowing that someone is reading your words and your knowledge and that something you wrote is bringing someone joy, knowledge, or simply entertainment is the greatest part of being an author.

When do you hate it?

I wouldn’t ever say that I’ve ever hated writing. Something that has bothered me is how people are expected to fit into these perfect little boxes and categories. People are complex and unique as is their work and I think it’s unobtainable to expect everyone to fit into one specific genre when it comes to one’s writing.

What is a regular writing day liking for you?

I’m a very peculiar writer, I write in one of two ways. First, I either get into my la perla robe and get in bed and put on a movie and start typing away. Or lace up my Nike’s get on the treadmill and begin to type.

How do you handle negative reviews?

Negative reviews are negative reviews I think you need to go into it prepared that some people may not like what you have written or they will feel as though you have written something incorrectly. Myself, I see those critiques obviously as something to be aware of tackling and fixing. 

How do you handle positive reviews?

I simply read them and smile. It’s always fabulous to know that someone enjoyed your book, but I also know that positive reviews can be detrimental because once you’ve worked your way to the top there’s nowhere to go but down. And it’s a tricky road to navigate but I always remember that no matter how kind the reviews there is always room for improvement on the next project!

What is the usual response when you tell a new acquaintance that you’re an author?

People new or old are usually very surprised to hear that I’m an author. Growing up spelling was never my strength, and many people are still under that impression. So when they hear that I’m an author it’s always a bit of a surprise but it’s a pleasant one.

What do you do on those days you don’t feel like writing? Do you force it or take a break?

I’m not a forcer, in face I’m very much the person who will sit down and write only when I’ve already developed what I want to say in my head. And I’m all about relaxing and treating yourself after you’ve worked hard. In fact, while I was writing The Mirror Said You’re BeYouTiful after I finished writing each chapter I would treat myself to something whether it was to a coffee or a new pair of sunglasses I always found a way to relax and unwind after writing.

Any writing quirks?

I need to eat a bunch before I sit down to write. I also always play either a movie or an audiobook while I write, and I take coffee breaks that sometimes turn into me sipping coffee while aimlessly driving around.

What would you do if people around you didn’t take your writing seriously or see it as a hobby?

I think that we all have moments where people do not take you seriously in whatever it may be that you are pursuing. But I’m a firm believer that you only need one person to take you seriously and then everyone else will follow.

Some authors seem to have a love-hate relationship to writing. Can you relate?

I could see how some people may have this, but I’ve never felt I’ve had a love hate relationship with writing. I choose to not use the word hate in my life because
I feel it’s a draining term. I know that all days writing away may not be thrilling or sometimes you might want to say something that sounds great in your mind, but it doesn’t translate to paper. Those are just normal moments and I consider them part of the experience.

Do you think success as an author must be linked to money?

I disagree, success to me is anything that allows you to live a life in which you are happy, and the definition of happy differs from one person to the other. It must sound like a cliché, but I think if we all chased happiness instead of money the world would be a much different place.

What has writing taught you?

Writing has taught me to embrace your voice and to know that your thoughts and words may not be for everyone, but for those who it is it will make up for all of those who it wasn’t for.

Leave us with some words of wisdom.

Never forget that it takes more effort, planning, and maintenance to be mean then it ever will to be kind.

Thank you so much for the interview it was such a joy!

Austiage is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter.
  • This giveaway ends midnight November 30.
  • Winner will be contacted via email on December 1.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!



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