A Bookish Conversation with 'Monsterland' Michael Okon

Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English, and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling is his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

His latest book is Monsterland.



What first inspired you to write or who inspired you?

The first time I watched The Goonies, I was hooked on writing. I loved the idea of telling compelling stories through unforgettable characters. I’ve began creative writing when I was 15 years old. I started screenplay writing when I was in my 20s. Then I started writing novels in my late 20s / early 30s.

Can you name three writing tips to pass on to aspiring authors?

1. Research and develop your story before you begin Chapter 1. Researching your subject ad nauseum is the only way you are going to get acquainted with the topic and become an expert. 2. You are building a universe. That’s a writer is. Someone who can take a compelling story and invite the reader into this universe they created. There are no limits so really let your subconscious do the talking. 3. Write every day. Even if it’s a sentence. It’s important not to procrastinate.  You have a story to tell. It won’t tell itself if you’re too busy on social media or the internet.

What hours do you write best?

I research and develop my stories all day long. However, I’m an evening guy when it comes to actually writing a book or script. After my kids and wife are tucked in for the night, then it’s time for me to write. I do this every night until my eyes go.

Are you an avid reader?

Very much so. I devour books on subjects that I like to write about. Plus, I’m a sucker for self-help and law of attraction books. I have over 200 LOA books in my library.

What are you reading now?

Earthing. Jurassic Park. Ratatouille the screenplay. NOFX: The Hepatitis Bathtub and Other Stories. The Science of Getting Rich. Rounders the screenplay. Primus, Over the Electric Grapevine: Insight into Primus and the World of Les Claypool. Dream It! My Half-Century Creating Disney’s Magic Kingdom. The Strangest Secret.

What are you currently working on?

Monsterland 2 is in the books and will be coming out May 26, 2018. I’m knee deep in Monsterland 3, and currently beating out the storylines to Monsterland 4 and 5. Seems like I’m going to be writing about monsters for the foreseeable future, which I’m not entirely upset about.

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