Guest: Kevin C. Alston, Sr., Author of The 'Real' American Diet

I've always considered myself to be a consciously healthy eater. All the way back to my childhood, I was taught by my mother & my grandmother the importance of keeping greens in my diet. Since

writing my book, I've tried to take that same healthy thinking up a notch. What I mean by this is that at least twice a week, I will try to get a 'good' salad in. And my definition of a 'good' salad is one that has a potpourri of fresh ingredients. An all-around favorite of mine is a Greek salad. At times I will purchase one from a local restaurant, but most times, I go to my favorite fruit/vegetable stop ( Nino Savaggio's is my all-time favorite in my area ) & load up on all the ingredients. But when I do this, I don't stop at the Greek salad ingredients. I love avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes, yams, arugulas, red onions, green onions, bell peppers, olives, whole garlic, spinach, & artichokes, just to name a few of the ingredients that I'm very fond of.  Now just imagine a  salad with all of those things on it, with just a hint of dressing, which often is olive oil based for my palate. Yum! I'm getting hungry just talking about it. And what I've discovered over the years is that I oftentimes don't get my 2-salad-a-week limit, but I will make a sandwich or two instead, which if you know me, is nothing but a salad anyhow, but that's another story.

About the Author

Born & raised in the small town of Mullins, SC, by God-fearing parents who instilled religion into his life at an early age, he’s had an insatiable appetite for knowledge since birth. God blessed him with a keen, analytical mind, & an almost feverish desire to help others. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran, married to the love of his life, with five wonderful kids, & a deep passion that still burns within him to help the less fortunate, through whatever means necessary.  The correlation between what we eat & the epidemic-like rise in diseases of today has the author on an impassioned mission to get to the bottom of what he thinks is a big conspiracy by our government & Big Business.
His latest book is The ‘Real’ American Diet.
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