❤Inside the Pages: Connecting With Christ by Yolonda Tonette Sanders @ytsanders @pumpupyourbook #ConnectingWithChrist #InsidethePages


An encouraging and refreshing collection of weekly devotionals that readers will enjoy for many years to come…  

By Yolonda Tonette Sanders


Self-care is a buzzword often mentioned when people seek to optimize their health. Suggested self-care practices tend to include activities such as exercising, getting a massage, or eating a healthy diet. While all of these actions have their place, none of them are sufficient enough to provide the soul-care we need to maximize our self-care. Self-care without soul-care equates to temporary solutions that leave us searching for the next new thing. However, when Christ becomes the center of our holistic health journey, we not only find fulfillment in Him but also a dependency on and trust in Him to truly live our best lives-emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

“If ever there has been a time in history when we need to connect with and cling to Christ, it is now. Loud divisive voices vie for our attention. World events distract. Personal challenges overwhelm. Staying connected to Christ takes effort, even for the most devoted believer. Connecting with Christ aids in fostering that connection. Yolonda Sanders chose contributors well, those who provide thoughtful, encouraging, helpful guidance in making connection to Christ a priority.”– Candy Arrington, author, Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well

“Inspiration can wane when the winds of discouragement blow through our lives. Connecting with Christ offers 52 weeks of easy encouragement everyone can benefit from. Easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to apply to our wind-blown lives. Receiving inspiration from a variety of authors makes you feel like you’re family. Coming together to talk about life and how God’s truth plays an active part for all of us is priceless.”– Linda Goldfarb, Speaker-Trainer-Coach, Award-winning author of the LINKED Personality Series, helping you take your next best step- Relationally-Spiritually-Professionally (www.LivePowerfullyNow.org)

“Connecting with Christ is a unique, faith-filled, inspiring devotional designed to cultivate a thirst for the Word as you grow in your spiritual journey. You will feel the love of God and experience His goodness, grace, and faithfulness, which are woven throughout this work.”– La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D., author of How to Study and Understand the Bible (www.etaworld.org); Founder & CEO of Teaching Like Jesus Ministries, Inc. (http: //teachinglikejesus.org/); and host of Sunday School Made Simple (https: //www.youtube.com/c/SundaySchoolMadeSimple)

“Eternal, intrinsic, and unique, your soul is a touchpoint between you and God. A healthy soul is protection against agnosticism, hatred, prejudice, and superficial materialism. Yolonda Tonette Sanders and others provide a resource for the vital care and feeding of your soul and help you connect with the God who loves you.”– PeggySue Wells is the bestselling author of 29 books, including The Ten Best Decisions A Single Mom Can Make, and the founder of SingleMomCircle.com

Book Information

Release Date: November 30, 2021

Publisher:  Yo Productions

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1732850842; 212 pages; $14.99

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3FoBsZh

Barnes & Noblehttps://bit.ly/3I3410c

Walmart: https://bit.ly/3nk80xu

If you conduct an internet search for devotionals, I’m sure that you won’t find a shortage of materials. The challenge when constructing this project was creating something different  enough to draw others’ attention without requiring an enormous amount of time. The goal is not for anyone to spend an exorbitant amount of time with this devotional. As wonderful as this project is, nothing should replace the written Word of God contained in the Holy Bible. My prayer is that this work leads you to the Word and enhances your understanding of


Enclosed you will find 52 devotionals broken into 12 themes to correlate with the 12 months of the year. Although the devotionals are ordered, feel free to go through the themes in a manner that best suits your needs. There is only one devotional per week. Ideally, the hope is that you will read the devotional at the beginning of the week and meditate on the Scripture and overall message for the rest of the week. You are encouraged to read the entire passages of the Scriptures listed to see what the Lord may reveal to you outside of what is written in this book. There is a place for you to jot down your thoughts each week if you choose.

You will notice that this work contains no dates, only generic weekly references (e.g., week 1). This is so you can use the entire collection of devotionals for many years to come. You do not have to follow the order of the weeks or themes. Go through this book as the Lord best leads you. May you hear His voice loud and clear as you journey on this road called life.

Love and Blessings,

Yolonda Tonette Sanders

Yolonda Tonette Sanders
 is the CEO of Yo Productions, LLC and co-founder of the Faith & Fellowship Book Festival. Her writing portfolio includes academic papers, novels, short stories, poems, and other creative works. She is an editor for a national publication, a professor, and serves on several boards and associations. Yolonda holds two bachelor’s degrees, a master’s degree, and is currently completing her Ph.D. in organizational leadership. She treasures her relationships with family and close friends. Yolonda is blessed to be the wife of David; mother of two adults, Tre and Tia; “Nini” to her grandchildren, Khari and Khia; daughter of Eddie; sister to Milton; and dog mom to Paco.

Her latest book is the nonfiction/inspirational Connecting with Christ: 52 Weekly Devotionals to Nurture Spiritual Growth (Yo Productions).

Visit her website at www.yoproductions.net or connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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