❤Author Interview: Memoir Author Jennifer Learmont #authorinterview #blogtour @pumpupyourbook


Jennifer Learmont was born in a little town called Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia, but grew up in Sydney, Australia.  She attended a variety of schools since her family moved here and there while she was growing up. Jennifer credits her mother, who was an opera singer, a concert pianist and very educated woman for her education.  “She was my teacher,” remarks the author.  Jennifer Learmont  maintains her home in Australia today.

Author Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYiaX-GJ8lG/




Thanks for stopping by!  What made you decide to write a memoir?

My ex-husband contacted me after 20 years from America (I’m in Australia) and told me that he was writing a memoir.  Of course, I was to be in it, so I began helping him with research for a few years, going back and forth to America.

When I did finally read the chapters that I was in, I realised that it was showing me in the darkest time of my life.  Unlike himself saying where he came from and where he ended up, he didn't explain where I began or where I ended up or why any of this really happened, or why I chose to do the things I did.

After reading his chapters about me, I knew that I needed to tell my story myself.  Perhaps I could leave a legacy for my family, as well, telling them what I was actually doing over in the States for 20 years and how it all came to be.  My side of this story so to speak.  So, I started out writing a journal.  As I read snippets to friends and family they said, “oh this is really good!  You should write a book.” And that's what inspired me.  It was a very cathartic experience and my stories just poured out.

Do you write in any other genres?

Not presently.  This is my first book ever.

Can you give us your book blurb so others can find out what your book is about?

Kiss My Boots is my life journey, from overcoming family tragedy in Australia to drug addiction and domestic violence in 80s and 90s Los Angeles, with crazy twists along the way. It’s a tale of a young woman with an uncanny survival instinct which kicked in to revel in the hedonistic pursuits of the LA lifestyle of its time, and then stumbling into a career in the niche world of a Dominatrix.

This was not easy to write as I was totally honest and I did not hold back at all.  It's what happened to a fearless, brave, beautiful young girl with a few stars in her eyes.  It’s a decidedly unvarnished and, in some respects, pretty damning account of my life in the dark side of Tinseltown. It's not a success story; it's a survival story.

Having said all that, even with all the darkness, there is still so much love in here. It’s heartwrenching, heartbreaking, funny, scary and ultimately uplifting.

Kiss My Boots is my story.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?




Where can readers buy your book?



and everywhere new books are sold.

Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview. What’s next for you?

Today I’m a yoga instructor and a licensed civil wedding celebrant;  as of this writing I have a wedding coming up this week.  But I'm working on a follow up book which starts in Hollywood and goes more in depth into the extremely colourful characters along the way, and maybe more of the Dominatrix world as well, I'm really excited about this project.


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