Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex by Carole P. Roman


: Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex
Author: Carole P. Roman
Publisher: Chelshire, Inc.
Pages: 286
Genre: YA

Templeton Academy- the superhero high school is finally open!

The prestigious academy is recruiting the best of the best to enroll in its student body.

The school is as mysterious as it is exclusive.

Grady Whill thinks there is nothing special about him to make the grade.

However, his best friend, Aarush Patel has been selected and thinks Grady has the right stuff.

Even school bully, Elwood Bledsoe is attending.

If Grady is fortunate enough to be picked, his guardian has forbidden him to attend.

Will a family secret prevent Grady from becoming the superhero he was destined to be?

“Roman’s writing is excellent: portraying wonderful, complex characters. Narrated by Grady, the story reveals his kindness and humor. (“Aarush lived in a smart home as opposed to my stupid home,” he tells readers). It also illustrates the lovely symbiotic friendship between Grady and Aarush, who protect each other from trouble and ridicule…With the book’s many touching, funny, and edge-of-your-seat moments, readers will be cheering to hear more from Grady.” Blue Ink Review

“With a page-turning plot and exciting twists and turns, this book is sure to become a treasured favorite.”- Review by Book Excellence

“If I were to give a book to every young adult in this world, I would give them Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex by Carole P. Roman without blinking. I absolutely loved every moment of this uplifting and fascinating story. It’s filled with valuable life lessons, adventure, peril, and highly relatable and lovable characters.” Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers’ Favorite

“Harry Potter meets Sky High. If you’re a fan of young adult stories where protagonists go to mysterious schools to train their superhuman abilities, don’t miss out on Grady Whill and The Templeton Codex.” Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Reader’s Favorite

“With a detailed descriptive narrative, great character development, and compelling dialogue, the author has created a story that will have young readers engaged to the very end.” Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Reader’s Favorite

Release Date: July 18, 2022

Publisher:  Chelshire, Inc.

Soft Cover: ISBN:  978-1950080434; 286 pages; $10.99; eBook $8.99; FREE on Kindle Unlimited




A BARELY COOLED LUMP of lava hardened under my  feet. One of my sneakers was stuck between two small  rocks in the solidifying mess. I stared at my foot in disbelief.  Instinct told me I should be a human torch, my legs nothing  more than toasted stumps. I glanced up, my heart beating  wildly. We were trapped on the side of the mountain facing our  school, separated by a burning sea of molten rocks. 

The world around me steamed, the lava staining the sky  burnt orange. Trees swallowed by molten rock looked like  skeletal hands emerging from a grave that glowed beneath the  blackened crust. I saw heat waves shimmering from the earth  but felt none of its intensity. I pulled fiercely, feeling my ankle  twist. Aarush steadied me as I nearly toppled over. He was shirtless, his back slick with sweat and covered with scrapes.  His fingers worked feverishly to free my foot. 

Overhead two helicopter-sized pterodactyls circled the  craggy summit. The wind from their leathery wings buffeted  the two of us. I think the air they circulated stopped the  patches of lava from cooking us alive, but what do I know? 

“We better get moving, Grady. Leave your sneaker. We are  risking getting burned by staying too long in one spot.” The  ever-practical Aarush reasoned as he pulled the velcro releas ing my foot. I wobbled, then fell to one knee. 

“Do you think they’re real?” I hollered to my friend over  the noise, pointing upward.  

“I’m not sure,” Aarush responded with a shake of his head.  “Right now I can’t tell the difference between fantasy and real ity.” The answer to that question was resolved when one of the  predatory birds spiraled downward in a dive. “We have to go  that way!” He waved to the lee side of the mountain, where  small brush fires dotted the hillside. “The lava appears to be  traveling in the other direction.” His hands moved to push  glasses up on his nose, only to realize they were long gone, lost  in our escape. 

“Look out!” Aarush hunched down as the wind from the  pterdactal’s wings fanned the area around us. “Oh yes, I’d say  they’re real!”     

Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of over fifty children’s books. Whether it’s pirates, princesses, spies, or discovering the world around us, her books have enchanted educators, parents, and her diverse audience of children of all ages.

Her best-selling book, The Big Book of Silly Jokes for Kids: 800+ Jokes! has reached number one on Amazon in March of 2020 and has remained in the top 200 books since then.

She published Mindfulness for Kids with J. Robin Albertson-Wren.

Carole has co-authored two self-help books. Navigating Indieworld: A Beginners Guide to Self-Publishing and Marketing with Julie A. Gerber, and Marketing Indieworld with both Julie A. Gerber and Angela Hausman.

Roman is the CEO of a global transportation company, as well as a practicing medium.

She also writes adult fiction under the name Brit Lunden and has created an anthology of the mythical town of Bulwark, Georgia with a group of indie authors.

Writing is her passion and one of her favorite pastimes. Roman reinvents herself frequently, and her family calls her the ‘mother of reinvention.’ She resides on Long Island, near her children and grandchildren.

Her series includes:

Captain No Beard

If You Were Me and Lived in- Cultural

If You Were Me and Lived in- Historical

Nursery series

Oh Susannah- Early Reader and coloring book

Grady Whilland the Templeton Codex

Giggles Galore- Coming in December 2022

Mindfulness for Kids with co-author J. Robin Albertson-Wren

The Big Book of Silly Jokes for Kids; 800 plus Jokes! 1 and 2

Spies, Code Talkers, and Secret Agents A World War 2 Book for Kids

Navigating Indieworld- with co-author Julie A. Gerber

Marketing Indieworld- with co-authors Angela Hausman and Julie A. Gerber

Adult Fiction under the pen name Brit Lunden


The Knowing- Book 1- A Bulwark Anthology

The Devil and Dayna Dalton- Book 9-A Bulwark Anthology

Her latest book is the YA Grady Whill and the Templeton Codex.

Visit Carole’s website at or connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

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