❤Author Interview: Paranormal Vigilante Justice Peter J. White #authorinterview #paranormal #vigilante #justice


Peter J. White was born in Colorado and raised in SE Alaska. He has degrees in Education, French, and an MFA in Creative Writing. He taught ELL in Bangkok, Thailand for six years, and currently teaches high school English in Washington State. Hobbies, past and present, include writing, bicycling, mountain climbing, kickboxing, MMA, and yoga.

Website: https://peterjwhite.weebly.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088706454075


Thanks for stopping by!  What attracted you to the Paranormal Vigilante Thriller genre?

I love ghost stories and have seen ghosts personally. I am also a big reader of true crime; the darkness that haunts the edges of society has always interested me. The Ghost Hunter Series pulls together these things

and more.

Do you write in any other genres?

Yes! I write classic horror novels as well. I’ve published one on Amazon, Ghosts of Coven Past, and will release another this summer (2023). 

What inspired you to write (Ghost Hunter: The Hollow Men)?

True events inspired the creation of this novel and the series. In a nutshell, I’ve seen ghosts (as mentioned above), and then I read an article about modern-day slavery in the United States that blew me away. I wanted to create a character that could take these human traffickers to task. Click here for a link to the genesis story of The Ghost Hunter Series. 

Can you give us your book blurb so others can find out what your book is about?

Sure. Here’s the blurb to The Hollow Men: 

When the ghostly victims of a small-town crime lord find him, ex-special forces soldier Max Sinclair realizes the only road to peace is to serve them the justice they crave.

But the Bannister clan has tentacles that reach from Eastern Washington into Mexico, trafficking women across the border and into their brothels. Haunted by visions of the dead, Max burns a swath through the Bannister empire, doing his best to set the dead free, but odds are he'll be joining them before he's done.

The Hollow Men is the first novel in the Ghost Hunter series about a vigilante who sees the dead—Max Sinclair. Haunted by visions and longing for justice and redemption, Max hunts down evil incarnate—his soul hanging in the balance as he walks the line between the dark and the light.

How can readers discover more about you and your work? 

Please check out:

My website

My Amazon Page

My Facebook Page

Where can readers buy your book? (add links here)

Ghost Hunter Series

The Hollow Men

Slouching toward Tenancingo

Bangkok Redemption

The Bad Beginning

Ghosts of a Coven Past

Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview. What’s next for you?

I will release book five in the series in May, am working on book six, and should release my second horror novel this summer.

Thank you for having me!

PS: Here are a couple of free giveaways for those of you who are interested:

If you sign up for my mailing list, I am offering you book two of the Ghost Hunter Series, Slouching Toward Tenancingo. Click here to redeem that offer.

If you want a feel for the main character and series, click here for a repurposed true story written to fit Max. A version of this story is in book four, The Bad Beginning


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